Our nursery:
- Only two employees
- Our plants are propagated by us.
- Our plants are adapted to our climate since they were raised here from seed/bulb/cutting.
- Because we grow them ourselves, we have experience and knowledge regarding our own plants.
- We only use organic sprays (if even needed).
- You know exactly where your plants are coming from.
- We take customer requests for plants, even plants that are harder to find or aren't great money-makers. We accommodate our customers.
- We don't easily give up on our plants.
- We thoroughly inspect our plants.
- Our plants are more affordable and don't include tax. For ornamentals, we pay the sales tax, not our customers.
Other Big-Box Nurseries/Stores:
- Dozens of employees
- Plants are grown elsewhere, often in other states or even in other countries.
- Plants are not always adapted to our climate and have an easier chance of going into shock/dying.
- Employees at big-box stores aren't always knowledgeable when it comes to horticulture and/or don't have the physical experience they should have.
- Because the plants are grown elsewhere, often times many of the big-box stores don't even know what is sprayed on the plants. Many of the plants do, in fact, have chemicals and are not GMO-free.
- Flowers are often force-bloomed, therefore, their blooms hardly last, especially if the plant is supposed to only have one blooming period.
- Many plants are raised in green-houses and are not hardened off, increasing the chance of them going into shock.
- Plants are brought out too early in the season, having a high chance of dying or bolting before they even reach their harvest period.
- You won't know exactly where your plants were raised in most cases or even how they were taken care of.
- Customer requests are not taken account of. What you see is what you get. "Rare" plants are not sold, only plants that are popular or are huge money-makers are even considered.
- If a plant doesn't look good, it's instantly tossed, or if not, put on clearance without the proper treatment, leaving the customer to treat the plant themselves
- Plants are not inspected; again, if it looks bad, it goes in the garbage. Most of these places do not have the proper knowledge to keeping plants healthy, or if they do, they don't feel the need to invest any time into doing so. They'll just grow or order new, healthier plants instead.
- Taxes and higher prices in most cases