Our purple and lemon basil- Great for beginner gardeners to plant in spring and summer! |
Some of the most common reasons why people kill plants aren't usually because "they don't know what they're doing," but it's typically because gardening requires dedication and responsibility, very much like raising a child, though plants will not cry and scream if they are thirsty or if they're too hot or too cold. Instead of communicating verbally, our plants show us with their leaves, stems, produce, and/or petals if something is wrong. Plants may wilt or brown if not given enough water, white powder may overtake the plant's leaves indicating powdery mildew, stems may wither and wilt if it's too hot or cold, and so on. Reading what your plants are telling you is the most important step in gardening. Never be afraid to learn more about gardening if you are unsure! Even expert gardeners do constant research through books, magazines, and online to learn more about plants or even specific diseases that may be taking over their garden, or they may even discuss it with other friendly gardeners.
Of course, there are simple and obvious responsibilities to follow when taking care of a plant. Sufficient water, accurate temperature, and overall responding to your plant's needs like mentioned above, but what makes a gardener a gardener shows in how they treat their plants.
Just know that someone is not born a plant killer or deemed to have a 'black thumb' for the rest of the lives; anyone can be a green-thumbed gardener if they are able and willing to take on the responsibility of keeping a plant alive. It all starts with how you treat the plant(s), and it can be quite fun and simple if you give the plant what it needs to survive. In simpler terms, remember the four S's to gardening- correct Season, Sun, Soil, and Solvent (water). Those are the simple ingredients a plant needs! Gardening isn't really all that complex like people say it is; it's only difficult if you make it difficult.
I must admit, as a child, I once too had a 'black thumb,' or so I thought. I never thought I'd have the ability to keep a plant alive, or anything at all alive! All it took was a love and a consistent practice of gardening that earned me my green thumb. It wasn't a genetic trait after all!
Beat your 'black thumb,' buy a few seed packets, grab a pack of soil, and slip on your gardening gloves. Planting can be exciting and easier than you think. Most of all, enjoy!
Don't forget these four S's mentioned earlier!:
- Season
- Sun
- Soil
- Solvent