Tuesday, October 27, 2015

All Year 'round Farmers' Market

Hello everyone. As many of you know (or maybe didn't know), the Visalia Farmers' Market in the Sears' Parking lot on Saturday mornings is all year round!

Yes, our booth, as well as several other booths, are here rain or shine! This time of year, we are selling perennial and/or cool-weather herbs, veggies, flowers (as plants and as cuttings), and even cut herbs.

The Market is still filled with fresh fruits and veggies, handmade goods and gifts (great for Christmas time as the holidays are inching closer and closer), prepared foods, and much more. Don't let the cooler weather stop you from coming to the Market!

The farmers' market has several events going on; be sure to check them out on the Visalia Farmers' Market Facebook page or on their website at www.visaliafarmersmarket.com.

This week at the Market, make sure to bring the kids because there is a Halloween contest for those age 13 or younger! Come join the fun!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Nursery Renovation!

As many of you know, we are a home-based nursery. As of Tuesday the 13th, we have been getting our backyard completely renovated, which means that our plant nursery is also being redone! Our previous nursery and storage location was in and around our patio area, but now it will have its own little secluded spot in the corner of our yard with a nice shade structure and drip system. Less hand-watering for us, that's for sure! We will be very thankful in the summertime when we can finally take family vacations again without fear that others will not properly take care of our plants or not comply to our water schedules while we are away.

Another plus about this backyard renovation is that we are getting our soil amended and will finally have plenty of garden space to plant our own flowers, herbs, and veggies! This means more herbs and more flowers for the Market! More will be discussed later as the time comes, but we have a lot of plans for this. We are definitely taking advantage of our extra garden space and new nursery as it will help us to expand! More garden space definitely means a better gardening experience. We have grown tired of only being able to garden in a small, approximately 4' x 4', raised garden bed in which received very little sunlight, or having to keep our personal plants in large pots because we were never able to plant much in the rest of our yard due to infertile soil. This is the start of a fresh and positive renovation!

It has been a difficult journey taking care of and watering thousands of plants and seedlings with nothing but plant shelves and a hose; no automatic watering system, no actual place in our backyard dedicated to plants, and really not any room for us to expand our nursery alone without having our backyard completely redone by professionals. Of course, this renovation is also being done for our own pleasure of having a beautiful, new yard with several opportunities for entertainment, but this will also help the nursery tremendously!

Please note that this will not affect our farmers' market booth in any negative way while the renovation is being done. The only thing that will be different is the fact that we will have very few sunflowers at this time of year (unfortunately), but we have been planting them in large tree pots to ensure that we will have a decent supply of them as we cannot plant in our ground while the renovation is taking place. The soil in our backyard has been dry and hard as a rock, but once our yard is finished, it will be soft and ready for gardening and planting dozens of different flowers to sell cut! This is a huge blessing for us, as you can probably imagine. We will post before and after pictures in approximately a month or so!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Our Nursery v.s. Big-Box Nurseries/Stores

It's no secret that there are several different plant nurseries available for you to choose from, but the right place to choose from is the concern. Many people may think we're just like the other nurseries, besides that fact that we locally grow our plants, but there's a lot more to our nursery that sets us apart from all the big-box stores. Here's why locally grown is better!

Our nursery:

  • Only two employees
  • Our plants are propagated by us.
  • Our plants are adapted to our climate since they were raised here from seed/bulb/cutting.
  • Because we grow them ourselves, we have experience and knowledge regarding our own plants.
  • We only use organic sprays (if even needed).
  • You know exactly where your plants are coming from.
  • We take customer requests for plants, even plants that are harder to find or aren't great money-makers. We accommodate our customers.
  • We don't easily give up on our plants.
  • We thoroughly inspect our plants.
  • Our plants are more affordable and don't include tax. For ornamentals, we pay the sales tax, not our customers.
Other Big-Box Nurseries/Stores:
  • Dozens of employees
  • Plants are grown elsewhere, often in other states or even in other countries.
  • Plants are not always adapted to our climate and have an easier chance of going into shock/dying.
  • Employees at big-box stores aren't always knowledgeable when it comes to horticulture and/or don't have the physical experience they should have.
  • Because the plants are grown elsewhere, often times many of the big-box stores don't even know what is sprayed on the plants. Many of the plants do, in fact, have chemicals and are not GMO-free.
  • Flowers are often force-bloomed, therefore, their blooms hardly last, especially if the plant is supposed to only have one blooming period.
  • Many plants are raised in green-houses and are not hardened off, increasing the chance of them going into shock.
  • Plants are brought out too early in the season, having a high chance of dying or bolting before they even reach their harvest period.
  • You won't know exactly where your plants were raised in most cases or even how they were taken care of.
  • Customer requests are not taken account of. What you see is what you get. "Rare" plants are not sold, only plants that are popular or are huge money-makers are even considered.
  • If a plant doesn't look good, it's instantly tossed, or if not, put on clearance without the proper treatment, leaving the customer to treat the plant themselves
  • Plants are not inspected; again, if it looks bad, it goes in the garbage. Most of these places do not have the proper knowledge to keeping plants healthy, or if they do, they don't feel the need to invest any time into doing so. They'll just grow or order new, healthier plants instead.
  • Taxes and higher prices in most cases

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Keeping Summer Garden Alive and Well

Now that autumn is just weeks away, many gardeners' first impulse is to do away with their annual summer crops. That is a mistake many of us make, especially in zone 9 where it is still a desirable temperature for warm-weather crops up until November. Here is a guide to keep your summer plants happy and alive until the first frost!

1. Decide which summer annuals you will keep until frost and which you'll rid of now.
Of course, most summer annuals won't die until the first frost, but there are some plants you may want to demolish now. Any diseased or unhealthy plants, or even plants that are no longer producing because they have already gone through their production cycle, are probably best to get rid of now. For tomatoes, put shade-cloth over them to keep them producing until frost, and cut off basil flowers for a continued harvest. Most plants, especially herbs, should be perfectly fine to keep in your summer garden right now.

2. Collect all produce before the frost hits.
If the greens on your onions and garlic have died, they are ready for harvest and can be taken out of your garden. Your potatoes are also most likely ready for harvest as well, another thing you can clear out right away. As first frost inches closer (November), a wise decision to make for summer annuals would be to harvest all of your plants beforehand. For annual herbs, chop down the whole plant; they won't come back next year anyways and should be harvested one last time before the frost takes it instead. Herbs are still growing, and plants are still producing though! Wait until a few weeks before the first frost for a final harvest.

3. Keep your peppers year-round!
Yes, you read that correctly. Pepper plants can be perennials if you keep them protected from the frost. If they're already in the ground, dig them up and pot them. Put the pot under a patio or porch where it is close to the house and covered from the frost for year-round peppers! If you'd rather keep your peppers as annuals, simply keep them until frost, harvesting every last drop of their peppers. Their peppers can then be de-seeded and de-veined and stored in a tightly-closed, air-tight plastic baggy and frozen for fresh pepper eating mid-winter. For now, peppers are perfectly fine in the wide-open as it is still very warm, but this is a great consideration to keep in mind if you love your peppers.

4. Annual flowers kept on your patio/porch will survive winter.
Annual flowers, especially vincas, can be potted on your porch or patio or somewhere where they will be protected once it starts getting colder, and they will live! This way, you won't have to say goodbye forever to your beloved beauties. Wait until around mid to late October to consider this option.

Know that it's perfectly okay to keep your summer crops or even still buy warm-weather plants from nurseries. As long as the plants are established and ready or about ready for harvest, there is no reason to get rid of your healthy annuals and jump to cool-weather planting. Take your time, and slowly get ready for your fall garden when the time is right. Most autumn plants, if grown from seed, are not yet ready to be transplanted into the ground anyways. Don't keep your garden bare until then! You can keep your summer plants lasting for another two months or even keep annuals as perennials with the proper care and procedure. Even if you don't choose to keep your summer annuals, you can always, as mentioned, do one last harvest and even freeze your peppers for a longer enjoyment of summer produce. Good luck!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Making Use of Your Summer Produce

By now, many of you gardeners have tired of summer produce and are ready for autumn edibles. The urge for tomatoes and basil have weakened, and you may have gotten tired of eating pepper after pepper. Wait right there! We have several ideas for you to spice up you summer produce to keep the desire for them alive. After reading this article, we hope to keep you pumped up for summer harvests and to use every last drop of them, whether you cook with them or use them for other purposes rather than letting them go to waste!


  • Make chunky, red salsa
  • Add them to your homemade smoothies/juices
  • Toss them in a salad
  • Oven-roasted tomatoes
  • Sun-dried tomatoes!
  • Add 'em to a quiche
  • One word: bruschetta!
  • What about caprese salad? Mmm
  • Slice 'em and drizzle on olive oil and balsamic vinegar
  • Make your own marinara for spaghetti or homemade pizza
  • Massage raw tomatoes on your face for a beautiful glow and as an anti-aging product (They also help with acne, sunburns, oily skin, and help to open up your pores)!
  • Burger for dinner from the drive-thru? Ask for no tomatoes and add your own instead (Real garden tomatoes without the chemicals taste MUCH better).
  • Salsa verde!
  • Add them to your favorite chili recipe
  • Yummy topping for taco night
  • Pickle 'em
  • Put them in a stir-fry
  • Add them to a soup
  • Love spicy peppers but too hot? Dip them in sour cream or Greek yogurt!
  • Roast them
  • Homemade hot pepper sauce (Harissa)
  • Add them to your scrambled eggs for a little spice
  • Serve some fajitas for dinner with your prized peppers as the main ingredient
  • Add them to your guacamole 
  • Bell peppers stuffed with meat! Yum
  • Delicious touch to your favorite pasta
  • Make jalapeno poppers (stuffed with cheddar or cream cheese)
  • Can't forget pesto, of course!
  • Use sweet varieties for teas (cinnamon or holy, for example)
  • Freeze your basil into ice cubes for a beautiful, summer flare 
  • Great addition to your pasta
  • Add them to your grilled chicken, especially with a drizzle of lemon!
  • Basil and watermelon salad - A refreshing combo
  • Lovely stir-fry ingredient
  • Great to add to your ramen noodles
  • Make potpourri!
  • Yummy in vinaigrette
  • Add it to your honey!
  • Even put them it in your baked cookies (Basil cookies are yummy)
  • Toss them in your homemade jelly
  • And our favorite, add them to your lemonade!
Squash & Zucchini
  • Zucchini/squash bread (or muffins!)
  • Summer squash salad, anybody?
  • Stuff your pattypan squash!
  • Zucchini fries - A healthier twist
  • Add zucchini to your pasta
  • Make zucchini latkes!
  • Try them in quesadillas!
  • Zucchini oven chips
  • Squash soup
  • Squash makes a great pizza topping!
  • Spaghetti squash
  • Cucumber sandwiches with cream cheese! (Either add them to a sandwich, or use cucumber slices as the bread)
  • Slice 'em to add to your water
  • Cucumbers in your lemonade?! Extra yum!
  • It's no secret that cucumbers are great to reduce inflammation. Puffy eyes? Place cucumber slices on them!
  • Add them to your bath
  • Make a face mask!
  • Create your own cucumber toner
  • Great for homemade tzatziki sauce
  • Cucumber bread, in case you don't have squash to use

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Why Garden in the Fall?

Most gardeners prefer, or will only garden during, the warmer months, but autumn/winter gardening can be just as fun and easy, if not easier. In fact, there aren't many people who do garden in the cooler weather in comparison to those who grow things in the warmth; cool-weather gardening is underestimated for sure. We're here to tell you why having a fall garden is definitely worth your time!

1. Less pests
Sure, you may encounter insects munching on your cabbages every then and again, but most invasive insects love the warmer weather. In the cooler seasons, you can be sure to have a more successful harvest since you'll have less pests destroying your plants or eating your produce before you do!

2. More drought-tolerant
With the California drought, you'll be saving a lot of water when starting a fall garden as opposed to summer gardening. Of course, the best benefit is using less water, but it also means not having to water your full-sun garden four times a day in blazing triple-digits.

3. Less maintenance
With less pests and less watering comes less maintenance! For those who tire of pulling weeds, ridding of insects, and watering consistently, autumn planting is a much more relaxed time and contains less work.

4. Organic gardening is easier than ever.
Those who prefer natural, organic harvests like we do know the struggle of dealing with pests and plant diseases. In the cooler weather, these things are a lot less common, as you already know. Even if you do use organic sprays, gardening in the fall may not require you to turn to any sprays at all.

5. And of course, the yummy cool-weather crops!
Mmm, you've got to love fresh garden cilantro, brussel sprouts, broccoli, celery, peas, and cabbage! Appreciate the freshness and the quality of your produce grown from your very own backyard! Buying these in grocery stores is no comparison to what you can get from gardening. Plus, these won't grow well in California's summer!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Update on Fall Planting - Zone 9

It's slowly, very slowly, inching closer to autumn. The days are shorter, nights are longer, and temperatures are starting to cool down a couple of degrees (besides a few triple-digit days here and there). I know many of you are anticipating fall planting and want to get started as soon as possible; so are we! Oh boy, it would be nice to have all fall plants started at this point, but peppers and tomatoes are still producing. But luckily, you can get a bit of a head start on your planting, and we will soon have our autumn plants for sale at the farmers' market for those of you who would rather skip the germination process!

Yesterday on August 26th, we started planting some cool-weather crops (besides perennials, which we started a few weeks ago for autumn), and so can you if you prefer planting from seed yourself. But wait, there are some exceptions. Your best bet at this point would be to sow, like mentioned, perennial plants and/or plants that have a long "days 'til harvest" period. For example, if you look on the back of a seed packet, and it says, "60 days 'til harvest," chances are it will be perfectly fine to plant now because by the time 60 days passes, the weather should be dramatically cooler compared to our current temperatures. The goal is to ensure that the harvest period for your cool-weather crops will happen when the temperatures are preferred for the plant. A great example of an autumn crop to plant now would be brussel sprouts.

You definitely don't want to plant anything that only takes a month until harvest. Take lettuces as an example. By the time 30 days passes, it will still be pretty hot in zone 9, and the harvest won't be as good, especially if it bolts. So, definitely wait on plants that grow quickly.

Right now, we are selling a few plants (perennials) that will withstand the cold, but we plan to have autumn/winter plants for sale within the next few weeks. Be sure to stop by our farmers' market booth in the Visalia, California Sears' parking lot every Saturday from 8-11:30 a.m.!

P.S. More updates soon on fall planting.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Keeping Cut Flowers Fresh

Buying bouquets or even making your own can be pleasing to the eye, but how can one extend the vase-life of their cut flowers? Here's a quick, little guide to help you keep your flowers fresh and alive long as possible!

1. Make sure foliage does not sit in water.
If the flowers' leaves are below the waterline in your vase, be sure to remove them. You can of course leave all other foliage on the flowers that are above the waterline, but you do not want the leaves to sit and rot if they are touching water. Removing the lower leaves greatly reduces the amount of bacteria and fungus from growing in the vase that kill the flowers off sooner.

2. Change the vase water every 2-3 days.
With bacteria, fungus, and mold growing and thriving in your vase, you'll want to change the water every few days or so. Not only does changing the water allow for longer vase-life, it also prevents the smell of the bacteria living in your vase, plus, cleaner and clearer water simply looks prettier!

3. If you're cutting your own flowers, cut the stems at a 45 degree angle.
There are several benefits for cutting your stems at a diagonal, or at a 45 degree angle...

  • Cutting at an angle allows the plant you're cutting from to heal quicker from the "injury."
  • A diagonal cut allows more surface area for waterflow into the stem of the cut flower.
  • Because an angled cut isn't flat, the stem won't sit horizontally on the bottom of the vase. This way, water will be able to flow easier into the stem.
  • A straight-cut causes more tubes (vein-like structures in stems that act similar to straws, sucking up water) to crush, but a diagonal cut allows more tubes to stay open and function properly.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Our First Herbal Tea Recipe!

I've been testing some herbal tea recipes, and I decided to publicly share my first blend called Sweet Reverie from herbs found in our backyard! And yes, it really does taste like a dream. It's simple, and it only includes five ingredients. I must warn you though; this tea is very sweet! Well, what can I say; I do have a sweet tooth! Use less or no stevia for less of a sweet taste. Change other ingredients as needed. More lemon grass or lemon balm for a more lemony taste, for example. The lemon taste is very subtle in my recipe, just a FYI. More recipes soon to come!

Well, here you go!

Sweet Reverie- Sugary tarragon taste with a slight essence of lemon; great for a sweet-tooth:

  • Lemon grass: 10-15 stalks
  • Stevia: 15-20 leaves
  • Lemon balm: One hand full
  • French tarragon: One tablespoon of fresh leaves
  • Holy basil: 10-15 leaves
Makes: Two cups

Instructions: Gather herbs, wash, dry with paper towel, break apart herbs into fourths, place in a paper lunch bag for 24 hours to dry.
Heat water for about a minute, and add dried herbs into a tea strainer or empty tea bag. Steep for 15-20 minutes. Enjoy!

Growing Tomatoes in Late Summer: Too Late?

Many people at our farmers' market booth ask if it is too late to plant tomatoes now that August has hit, and the answer is no! To start them from seed, it's late, but to transplant them in the ground is still a perfect time. We have some tips on how to successfully grow tomatoes in late summer through late autumn!

Tomatoes are annuals that most people will plant in late February and early March and will dispose of them around mid-summer once production slows down. But wait! Tomatoes can still produce now! Stagger your tomato plants, planting them every three weeks or so for a more continuous harvest. Some advice from local tomato farmers suggest that planting tomatoes near trees, near other tall plants, or even covering them with shade cloth are all great ways to prevent the bright, summer sun from sunburning the plants, not to mention that the sun this time of the season in California greatly rises the temperature of the plant, high temperatures that the tomato plants don't particularly like. Tomatoes love heat, but too, too much can be stressful for it, which is why giving them a little shade is the way to go!

Most tomato plants only have a two-month cycle of consistent production before they slow down, whether they are planted as early as February or later on in August. If you notice your tomato plants slowing own right now, chances are, it is one of two things: Either too much sun, or your tomato plants were planted earlier on in the year and are now reaching the end of their production cycle. This is when staggering your tomato planting comes in handy.

Lucky, many nurseries, including ourselves, have gorgeous tomato plants ready for transplant! Because our weather is still hot through November, we our lucky enough to be able to keep on planting tomatoes this "late" in the season. So, while you're waiting for the temps to cool down for fall plants, continuing on with your summer veggies is still a great time. No need to rush the gardening process! Happy tomato planting!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

When to Begin Fall/Winter Planting - Specifically for Zone 9

Getting started on your fall and winter planting can be difficult. Rather than covering seedlings or starting them in a greenhouse as you would growing warm-weather plants in the winter, growing cooler weather plants while it's still hot outside can be very confusing for many gardeners. The thing is, plants like cilantro and lettuces if planted in the heat will bolt before temperatures even cool down, if they even sprout at all. That is a concern for sure. Here's a little guide to help you convert from summer to fall/winter gardening.

The best things to plant right now in August in zone 9 would be rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano, parsley, marjoram, lavender, and lemongrass. While these are all things that love the heat, they are perfect to plant right now while the temps are still high even though autumn is inching closer, and yes, they will overwinter. Many of these are perennials and will tolerate the frost very well, in fact, all of them did well in our frost last year. Also, it's still a great time to plant sunflowers, especially for autumn blooms.

The things you want to avoid planting now would be cilantro, lettuces, cress, and peas- basically anything that grows extremely fast. Plants that have short lives such as these plants and are fully grown in just a matter of a month or two are more often to bolt and seed quickly and will not be enjoyable until planted later on when day temperatures are under 80 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Looking at the 'days until harvest' on your seed packets are especially crucial right now. Some of these plants say to plant in August for our zone, but now is not the best time. Wait until LATE August to begin these seeds, or maybe even until early September. Your cool-weather garden will thank you later, and trust me, you do not want to eat bolted cilantro as it does not taste good!

Don't be intimidated to start fall and winter seeds so 'late.' Most of them will still be producing through late spring while the temperatures are still not in extremes! You could also try to start seedlings indoors, but just be aware that fast-growing plants may already be producing or ready for harvest by the time autumn even comes along. We started a few mustard greens indoors in a south-facing window, and while they have sprouted, we are aware that by the time it cools down here in California, the greens will most likely be already be at their harvesting point. The goal is to only plant indoors if the plant is slow growing enough to harden off and put outdoors later on when temperatures cool, or to keep the plant indoors permanently if it grows too quickly before cool temperatures even come close.

Good luck with your fall and winter gardening! Have fun; more updates soon to come, so you can all follow along with us and our cool-weather gardening!

Summer Blooms!

Beautiful summer arrangements we made consisting of zinnias,
sunflowers, bachelor buttons, dianthus, carnations, and basil! Adding
basil to your arrangements not only acts as a filler and provides extra
green for your bouquets, but it also smells great.

Vincas and celosia cristata (cockscomb). This was our first
time growing celosia, and it's going well so far! Almost large
enough blooms to add to our arrangements.

Zinnias are just too beautiful. The best part is, they are very
easy to grow.

A purple dahlia we sold a few weeks back. Dahlias are lovely.

Selling our zinnia cuttings. So many different colors to choose from!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Spring Fever

Baby tomato! Nothing cuter.
Okay, so maybe growing tulips in zone 9 is difficult considering
ours did not reach their full height as they did not receive as much
frost as some other zones, but hey, they were fun to grow and smelt
so good!

Tulips are just so picture-perfect!

Pansies, lots and lots of pansies.

Flat leaf parsley growing out our ears!
A beautiful spring bouquet, full of color and joy!

Bouquet of snapdragons and alyssum. Simple yet stunning. 

Our first time growing succulents! They're pretty interesting, aren't

Woo, we have a lot of these babies, that's for sure. You can never
have too many succulents though!

A close up of one of our beauties.

Okay, we cannot get over how gorgeous spring bouquets are. So
many fun wildflowers we have to utilize!

Here's a little glimpse of a "photoshoot" we did for Saint Patrick's
Day with our shamrock plant! This beauty gets pink flowers too.

Well, that sums up a great deal of our spring- Planting bulbs after bulbs, beautiful blooms, and new excitements. We hope that next spring is EVEN better!

Friday, January 23, 2015

From Black Thumb to Green Thumb

Our purple and lemon basil- Great for
beginner gardeners to plant in spring
and summer!
There are a great deal of people out there who claim they supposedly kill every plant they touch, but do they really? Though the term 'black thumb' is really a metaphorical phrase since one does not literally have a black thumb, but nobody is naturally born with the ability to grow plants with the blink of an eye either. What really causes someone to have a 'green thumb' or a 'black thumb?' Well, this article is for you if you'd like to know the answer to that!

Some of the most common reasons why people kill plants aren't usually because "they don't know what they're doing," but it's typically because gardening requires dedication and responsibility, very much like raising a child, though plants will not cry and scream if they are thirsty or if they're too hot or too cold. Instead of communicating verbally, our plants show us with their leaves, stems, produce, and/or petals if something is wrong. Plants may wilt or brown if not given enough water, white powder may overtake the plant's leaves indicating powdery mildew, stems may wither and wilt if it's too hot or cold, and so on. Reading what your plants are telling you is the most important step in gardening. Never be afraid to learn more about gardening if you are unsure! Even expert gardeners do constant research through books, magazines, and online to learn more about plants or even specific diseases that may be taking over their garden, or they may even discuss it with other friendly gardeners.

Of course, there are simple and obvious responsibilities to follow when taking care of a plant. Sufficient water, accurate temperature, and overall responding to your plant's needs like mentioned above, but what makes a gardener a gardener shows in how they treat their plants.

Just know that someone is not born a plant killer or deemed to have a 'black thumb' for the rest of the lives; anyone can be a green-thumbed gardener if they are able and willing to take on the responsibility of keeping a plant alive. It all starts with how you treat the plant(s), and it can be quite fun and simple if you give the plant what it needs to survive. In simpler terms, remember the four S's to gardening- correct Season, Sun, Soil, and Solvent (water). Those are the simple ingredients a plant needs! Gardening isn't really all that complex like people say it is; it's only difficult if you make it difficult.

I must admit, as a child, I once too had a 'black thumb,' or so I thought. I never thought I'd have the ability to keep a plant alive, or anything at all alive! All it took was a love and a consistent practice of gardening that earned me my green thumb. It wasn't a genetic trait after all!

Beat your 'black thumb,' buy a few seed packets, grab a pack of soil, and slip on your gardening gloves. Planting can be exciting and easier than you think. Most of all, enjoy!

Don't forget these four S's mentioned earlier!:

  • Season
  • Sun
  • Soil
  • Solvent

Gloomy Days, No Rays, But Plants that Still Amaze

We have a TON to share. We haven't posted in a very long time, so here's what we have to say today! Though it's midway through winter, our plants are going strong. Our first time winter planting has been a success, and we're very excited for what spring has to offer us!

More updates soon- We're also thinking about doing some posts related to gardening tips, healthy eating, recipes, ect. We think it will be a great touch to our blog. We may even start making videos for those who would like to become skillful gardeners! We have a lot to share with you all.

Our calendulas survived the frost, cold, heavy fog, and a few
rain storms over the past few months. They're growing strong
and looking gorgeous with their neon yellow petals!

It's been VERY gloomy, cold, and foggy within the past week
or two. Our plants desperately need some sun!

A lot of our bulbs are sprouting! This one is a daffodil.

Our drumstick allium bulbs are doing fantastic! Planted in late
autumn, and they already sprouted fantastically. We're in shock
at how far along they are.
Our pansies are doing great, though they can grow slow! Excited
to see the frosty blues bloom especially!

Our spearmint is finally taking off. It was also a slow growing
plant for us, but it's been growing like crazy lately, sometimes
even doubling in a few days!

We love seeing buds on our pansies!

Our carnations are very close to blooming as well, despite the
cold and sunless days! We never grew carnations, so we're very
excited to see them.

Sweet peas are doing great too! We have over a hundred including
these seedlings. It's overwhelming, but we know they will be
beautiful when they bloom.

First time ever, we grew sugar snap peas and Asian melting
sugar peas! They grow fast, and they tolerate frost. It's a
win-win situation for winter gardeners!
Our ranunculuses are getting huge! Hopefully close to blooming.
Ranunculus would make some gorgeous cuttings!

Transplanting some cilantro. Our cilantro is selling faster than
it's growing! It's a big hit at the market.

Here's our little "trick," I guess you can say, for making sure our
plants get enough sun. We have plastic shelves with wooden
dollies on the bottoms that we purchased from a hardware store,
so we can wheel them out to get some sun! No sun now, but they
plants do appreciate being out in the open.